Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Clean Guitar 1
Electric Guitar (jazz]

Clean Guitar 2
Electric Guitar (jazz]

Distortion Guitar 1
Overdriven Guitar

Distortion Guitar 2
Overdriven Guitar

Electric Bass (finger]


Lead 5 (charang]

Background Vocals
Lead 3 (calliope]
In this room sit-ting by your side 'Cause it rains for ho-urs and the phone is off its hook Stan-ding on the edge, cas-ting lots to set me up be-fore you knock me do-wn sum-mer's edge and drown me Bet-ting on our own liv-es, ma-king up for all time we lo-st In this house of cards we're all hol-ding hearts and spades But you lead with your eyes and you give it a-way When the peo-ple you love get lost in the shuf-fle let it go and then you fold So we stay on the open road We drive for ho-urs and still no end in sight at all Driv-ing in your car, miss the stop sign, fall in love, just to get knocked o-u-t sum-mer's edge and drown me Bet-ting on our own liv-es, ma-king up for all time we lo-st In this house of cards we're all hol-ding hearts and spades But you lead with your eyes and you give it a-way When the peo-ple you love get lost in the shuf-fle Pull your pun-ches and burn with your cig-ar-ettes Pulled like a punch burnt like a cig-ar-ette For-e-ver